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Vendor Application

Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance as a vendor for the Sioux Empire Fair.

We do not offer exclusives.

To download PDF form click here

For questions contact
John Ackerman

Contact Info

Support Materials (i.e. photographs, brochures, etc.)

Indoor Space

Type of Space Desired Indoor - 10 feet of frontage and 8 feet deep
Choose one
Electrical Needs

Outdoor Space

**Photograph of stand is required for all outside setups.

Outdoor Concessions: outside food spaces are sold by the foot with 12 feet frontage minimum.

Outdoor Commercial or Sales: Variations in price, frontage, and depth

Choose one and fill out the appropriate section below

Outdoor Space

Outdoor Concessions

Frontage x Depth
Electrical needs

Outdoor Commercial or Sales

Frontage x Depth
Choose One
Electrical Needs
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